Welcome to MyMNConservator

To begin creating your conservator financial report to the court please click the login link above. If this is your first time logging in, you will need to set up your account using your email address and create a password.

Watch tutorial for help to login to MyMNConservator, create your MYCourtMN account and connect to your conservator file.

Due to standard weekly maintenance of the court case management system you cannot submit your inventory or annual accounting on Sundays between 10:00 am and 4:00 pm.

IMPORTANT NOTICE - DO NOT SUBMIT REPORTS BETWEEN FRIDAY, MAY 10, 2024, 6:00 PM - MONDAY, MAY 13, 2024, 4:00 AM CT.  Due to maintenance to the court information system, you will not be able to submit your reports during this period.  You may still work on your reports within MMC, but do not submit them.

October 13 2023 - Effective immediately, the process for requesting background studies has changed for guardians and conservators. To learn what changed and how to request the statutorily required background checks, visit the public website of the Minnesota Judicial Branch. Choose the Help Topic of Guardianship or Conservatorship and then select the Background Studies tab.

September 26 2023 - A new tab labeled “Uploaded Files” has been added in the MMC program.  This provides one location in each report for uploading and reviewing documents related to that report including communications from the auditors and reviewers and the audit or review report.  With this enhancement, the .pdf accepted size has also been increased from 4MB to 8MB. 

See the uploaded files resource documents for more details: 

New Document Upload Feature in MMC

QRG - Uploading Files in MMC (mncourts.gov)

NOTICE:  Due to the current backlog of accounts awaiting audits and reviews, no extension requests for providing materials will be granted.  Proceed to upload your materials to your report.

November 18 2022 - A new reporting tab labeled "Receivables" has been added in the MMC program.  Conservators will be asked to provide information regarding these types of assets on the next report they submit in the program.  Receivables will capture information regarding any assets held outside of the conservatorship available for the benefit of, or monies owed to, the person subject to conservatorship.

See the receivables resource documents for more details:

Receivables-Announcement.pdf (mncourts.gov)

QRG - Working with Receivables (mncourts.gov)

MMC Manual for Conservators (mncourts.gov)

Find resources for conservators, frequently asked questions, contact information and more at:

             Minnesota Judicial Branch - MyMNConservator (mncourts.gov)